
No-Bake Mint-Avocado Chocolate Layer Cake

serves: 6-8
prep time: 15-25 minutes
time to set cake: a few hours
equipment: food processor, blender, 6 in springform pan


Chocolate Cake
•    2 2/3 cups whole walnuts, shelled, unsoaked
•    1/3 cup cocoa powder
•    2 tbsp chia seeds (mila or flax meal)
•    2 tbsp xylitol or sugar (if want to use stevia do about 1/4-1/2 tsp liquid stevia)
•    1-2 tbsp agave or maple syrup

Place walnuts in food processor and pulse till a crumbly texture. Then add in remaining ingredients.  We left our cake more on the less sweet side, so adjust sweetness to taste.  Note: chia seeds gave the cake a little crunchy texture, so if do not like or want crunch use flax meal or grinded chia seeds.

Mint Avocado Cream
•    2 avocados, about 1 1/2 cups pureed
•    1/2 cup +1 tablespoon irish moss paste – about 4oz
•    1 teaspoon stevia, liquid
•    3 tablespoon agave or maple syrup
•    1 tablespoon coconut oil
•    1-2 tablespoon sunflower lecithin (optional)
•    1 tablespoon mint extract
•    1/2 – 1 teaspoon spirulina (optional, helps with green color)

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Place irish moss in blender with agave and blend a little. Next add in the pureed avocados, stevia and mint extract, spirulina, and if you are using lecithin add in now. Blend till smooth and end with coconut oil. Adjust sweetness to taste.
Note: If you desire more sweetness up the agave and/or stevia, and depending how much you add may need to up coconut oil to 2 tbsp. The purpose of the coconut oil is to help the cream get  hard so when you slice cake it does not go everywhere.

Assemble cake:

Line the 6 in pan with wax/parchment paper.
Press about 1 cup of moderately packed chocolate cake batter onto the bottom of the pan. Next top with 1 cup of mint avocado cream.
Set first two layers in the freezer for about 2 hours to set.
Repeat cake and cream layers. Place final cake in freezer for a few hours (about 4-6 hours) to set.
When ready to slice let cake come to room temperature a little (15 or so minutes), will help make it easier to cut.
Keep leftover slices in refrigerator and will last about 2-3 days.